Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I hate how my family thinks I'm changing too much!!?

They don't understand how I'm no nerdy 11 year old anymore!! I used to love history and science and want to be a scientist. I used to like writing and reading and my room was covered in maps and geography sh-t. According to my grandmother and mother, I have turned from a perfect, beautiful, smart girl to an obnoxious, careless, fake teenage stick of a girl. Like I said: I was very nerdy and did not give a damn about how I looked. I was also very overweight and I had friends my mom loved oh- so dearly. Now, I melted off 30 pounds, dyed my hair, grew it out to a very mature style, I wear make- up, and I have changed on the inside too. I now hate everything I did, I do 4 sports, I'm really involved in school, and I have friends who my mom is ok with but she thinks they are bad influences xP I go to lots of parties and am invited to hang out with people. I grew out of being shy, I had 3 boyfriends so far, my room is colorful and bright. I'm always out hanging out with people. I like being social and everything. I used to be a straight a student, then I turned into a b and c student. I honestly didn't care. But my family got annoyed with me never being home and barely passing two classes. But no one in my family understands I'm growing into a social, happy teen. (13 on July 4!) I'm the always out person in my family, my family sees that as a bad thing, how do I get them to understand I'm NOT 11 anymore?

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