Thursday, July 21, 2011
I live with My Grandmother and She yells and swears all the time at Me when I mess up. Can someone help Me?
She is Bipolar, and has a Colon disorder thing, and I feel bad because She can't eat like She used to. I have a problem with Wheat, but She let's Me eat Wheat a lot anyway sometimes. I have ADD, And I am on two Medications. Ritalin, and Zoloft. I hate taking pills because I am scared I'm going to choke on one. My Grandmother gets mad when I hide My pills instead of taking them, and She yells at Me, and She curses and calles Me bad words. I don't want to yell at Her, and I know I never should. She does voices of My dolls, and does YouTube videos with Me. She likes gore stuff, and She now thinks SiFi is stupid because it's not scary much anymore. (I agree! No offence to SiFi lovers.) I get upset when She yells, and I threaten Her. She dosn't have feelings, exept Anger. Iv'e never seen Her cry. Two years ago, Her and My Grandfather had a divorse. And it just now ended. I miss Him, but He didn't really love Me. And My Grandmother spends so much money keeping up the bills and stuff. Plus, she sacrafices what little money She has buying Me online game money, and buying Me the things I want. Like Pokemon plush and things like that. Also, My Wheat Free food costs a lot. I get really worried when She beats Me. I am 10, and I'm about to be 11. (My birthday is in August 9, a little while away! Thanks to everyone that says happy birthday to Me.) And yet She still spanks My hands and spanks Me. I tell Her I'm too old for that now, but She still treats Me like a Five-Year-Old. I don't like it when that happens. I want us to be happy together, and yet, I worry that She will send Me somewhere bad or try to kill Me. She has punished Me for the smallest little things, like spilling juice. I think She has stress, but it's not fair for Her to have Her Anger taken out on Me. Everyone does things wrong sometimes, but I want respect, even though I treat Her wrong sometimes. I don't want to be treated like I'm five. I am also in the 7th Grade, and I'm homeschooled. I worry that sometimes She dosn't love Me. So could someone please tell Me what I should do?
Who knows about how i get my license/hardship?
My 16th birthday is at the end of the month. i do not have my permit yet because i have been really busy with school. i have just gotten out of school. i am getting my permit on this up-coming monday and i wanted to know if i could get my hardship. last year my mom had a brain tumor and was in very bad condition, she has not fully recovered and she isnt supposed to drive on the free-way or at night. the doctor doesnt like it when she drives too much. also, my parents are divorced. i have not talked to my dad in just over a year and a half and lately my grandmother (my moms mom) has been having some minor health issues and has been in and out of the hospital pretty recently and my mom helps take care of my grandma. between tutors and my other activities that i have to go to, it can be hard to get around sometimes. can i get a hardship? could i get my hardship right away and not have to worry about getting my permit then having that for 6 months. my mom wants me to be able to get to my tutors and other events that i have to go to and not have to worry about how i get there. how can i be able to get around by my self as quickly as possible? (i am in texas if that is important)
Should we add another GOP to the list?
Barbara Boxer is not a reliable source for anything she does. I seem to think the left has far more ethics violaters. Just for starters; Maxine Waters, Claire McCasskill and Charlie Rangle. Oh, lets not forget Guitner who did not seem to pay his taxes either. How is that for starters. I would like to see Boxer (Call me senator) prove it!
Do you know that there are cops whom although as a cop, they did their job well done, as in they arrest...?
... or place a charge at any person who does a crime (be it minor or major offence) & don't give a damn care or mercy to them, but on the other hand, they (the cops themselves) themselves broke the law, as in for instance, they help (or should I say conspire) their close friends who are underage to buy for them cigarettes, alcoholic drinks &/or lottery tickets??
Red lights in the sky in the shape of a trangle.?.?
Long ago i was at my step grandmothers with my mom, i was pretty young, (about 8 or 9). Well we were just walking out the door, something was telling me to look up, so i did, i pointed out to my mom 3 bright red lights in the shape of a trangle levitating above. They stopped moving and spread into a line and started moving VERY quickly in a random pattern. The left and right two were moving the most, the middle one moved once. They continued away and disappeared behind the trees, staying in the straight line. This was somewhere around Vancouver WA in 2004 i think. Any answers i would appreciate. It was as real as the air i breathe and its been boggling my brain violently for years! Ive found no other reports even close to Vancouver 2004.
Does 1 Corinthians 13 contradict itself? What EXACTLY is it saying about Love?This is not a Troll question.?
The first 3 verses talk about doing, as a person, like speaking in tongues, or giving prophecy, or having faith, and giving to the poor and if we not have love along with these, (or doing these in the spirit of love), it is like trying to sing and only making a loud noise. Then four to seven speaks to what love is (not what we are), It is kind, it has no envy, it forgives and forgets wrongs to it, it dislikes evil but cheers the truth, and it always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres and this is not speaking of people as such, but is simply defining love itself. I hope this is clearer than "mud", but I tried, anyway. God bless.
Can a video of my desktop showing my whereabouts online be presented as alibi evidence in ohio?
I have two people who have conspired to commit perjury against me in court by claiming I was at two different locations on two different days. At this point I don't know the exact times I am alleged to have been there. I can prove that I was at home and online via social network posts, these posts span several accounts. I also have account creation confirmation emails showing I was creating accounts on those days. Without the times printing these posts would be very burdensome requiring hundreds of pages. I don't believe I will have access to the internet during court to provide "live proof". Can I make videos of my desktop and browser which show the feeds from those accounts during those days and enter them into evidence? This is a civil action in Ohio. Thanks
Selling a Nissan sentra still financed?
On February 2011 I purchased a sentra 2.0 for 17000 my down was 4000 an to now I owe under 9000 I can't pay off this vehicle because a financial hardship how or where can I be able to sell or trade this car? I went to Carmax but they said I should atleast b driving it for atleast 3 years before I intend to sell it! Anyone any advice. Definitely would Wana get rid of it an atleast get some type of cash back.
What will you do to them...?
I will stay one step ahead of them, and if a bad part turns up in my box tomorrow, it won't have my mark on it. (They don't know about my mark.) I will go to my supervisor and finally, maybe, they will be walked out the door. I'm not the only one they "mess" with.
Can I sue my former employer?
I know this may be a little far fetched, but I was fired from my job for no real reason a couple years ago. At the time I was six months pregnant and the mangers were giving me a hard time. They wanted me to pick up heavy boxes do loads and work my department with no help. When I reminded them that I was pregnant they told me that I had to get a note from my doctor. So I got the note and the manger didn't even take one look at it when I tried to give it too him. There has been tons of other incidents that has happened (too many to list) Well anyway its been about two years since I've worked for them and since losing that job I've been suffering from financial hardship and I was wondering if I could sue? (I need real advice so please answer if you can be of help, thanks)
Is 2 secured credit cards and a secured loan enough to rebuild credit? detailed info inside 10 points?
I have major defaults on student loans back a few yrs due to hardship. also a credit card. i finally started paying back student loans and i hired a company to repair my credit by sending letters to take negatives off my reports. in the meantime i wanted to build my credit because id like to own a home in 2 years after im married. will 2 secured cards and a secured loan work? help
Was this wrong of me?
A long time ago it think when i was in 2nd grade (now im going to 8th grade) my grandmother passed away and i didnt really know her that well because she would hardly visit us since she lives in mexico, and she's is a little mean and strict but she is still nice to me sometimes, and that one day that i heard that she passed away i didnt even cry(i usually cry a lot, i am a crybaby)and im wasnt sad either. And my mom cried and then she asked me why im not sad and why i didnt cry and i had to lie and say that i was sad. And i feel terrible for not feeling that least bit sad that my own grandmother is gone and i dont feel any emotions for her not anger, not sad, not anything.And no matter how much i ask myself this, i dont know, so can someone plzzz help me i have been wondering this question for years. :(
How do you have peace in an EXTREMELY over dramatic family?
I feel so bad for you. I can relate entirely to what you're saying. I've have been dealing with my backstabbing dysfunctional dramatic family my whole life and I'm 29. Nobody really sticks together in those types of family's. The most crazy ones in my family moved away. Try not to let them control your emotions. The more you gain control over that, the more they realize that you don't care anymore and they'll take you off the radar as prey.
Well of course it is devastating our economy (it's the economy stupid! Clinton Aid Quote). The economy being in the toilet and being flushed down the toilet; along with $14 trillion dollar debt with the S&P getting to down grade "the U.S. Government's ability to pay its debt". These are the FACTORS WHICH CAN EASILY BRING DOWN ANY COUNTIES ECONOMY, BREAK THEIR MONETARY SYSTEM, AND DESTROY THEIR WAY OF LIFE! EVEN, THE UNITED STATES (GET THAT IN YOUR BRAIN) AND IT CAN HAPPEN VERY QUICKLY AND WILL; WHEN IT DOES HAPPEN! AND JUST LIKE THE PRESIDENT, GEORGE SOROS, BIG UNION PLAYERS ARE, I BELIEVE, ALL CONSPIRING TO ACCOMPLISH!!!!
I'm feeling really paranoid! Please Help!?
It's all about keeping yourself busy and keeping your mind away from things like that. By busy, I mean going out, physical activities, movies, etc... Yeah, that's all really,... oh yeah, pot is not a good idea in this case.
Will there be any mention of SEIU's Stephen Lerner conspiring to collapse economy?
Do you think there is any chance that SEIU's Banking and Finance Campaign Chairman Stephen Lerner, who has officially visited the White House 4 times in the last 2 years and even the Federal Reserve 4 months ago and is in a pretty influential position will be investigated for his Pace University speech this weekend on HOW TO TAKE DOWN the NYSE and Wall street? I think this should be on every news outlet but for some reason our news will suppress it....what do you think?
Guy trouble, is this just a game? ?
Men have this thing called the "guy code" usually they won't date best friends ex's. So assuming they did talk. Taylor probably expressed to Dominic that he still had feelings for you and didn't want Dominic to have you because he wants are strange. Best of luck to you dear.:)
Should i attend my dads wedding?
My dad is getting married but I have mixed feelings about attending the wedding. I feel that he had an affair before leaving my mum and was responsible for alot of hardship. The evidence is stacked against him. However my mums a nut and can understand why he left her, but shes got a really nice side sometimes, I think shes going through menopause or something. Like she will go nuts about the smallest thing and scream and stuff but then she can be really nice other days. My dad objected to trying and working it out as i suspect it was because he had eyes for the bride to be and i resent him for that but i still care for him. i dont want to confront him or anything because i never land home on my point and the conversation never goes the way i think its going to go. SOO my question is.. should i attend the wedding?
Left eyelashes curl naturally while right eyelashes are straight?
I have no idea why they are like that, but she can take an eyelash curler and blow dry it so it turns warm and use it on her right eyelashes. It will make the curl last longer. She can also use a waterproof mascara since they aren't as heavy as normal mascaras.
Help me decide which book to read for my summer reading project?
The Grapes of Wrath. It is a really good classic and can parallel a lot of what is going on now in the economy.
What is the difference between (conspire) and (scheme)?
Both those sentences mean she was plotting against Tony.(Get your endings fixed: She schemes or she schemed; She conspires or she conspired) and you've used both words correctly. The difference between them is that you can only conspire WITH somebody else, while scheming can be done with or without another person.
What became of Aussie PM Harold Holt ? he is alleged to have drowned but his remains were never recovered,?
Did the Australian secret service at the time ASIO conspire to give him a new identity ,so he could return to his place of birth America ?
How I get my nose to stop running for prom?
Your best bet will be to treat the symptoms of the runny nose. If it is allergy related, try a non-drowsy antihistamine. If it is cold or virus related you need a cold medicine that relieves runny noses. Nasal sprays work well too. Contact your local pharmacist and see what he/she have to say.
Should I let my wife move on...?
Heartfelt entry no doubt. I think you should not let her go. Fight for this and let her know how much you want to change. I think that after all the heart ache you say you have put her through she does deserve to see you work hard on salvaging the relationship. Even if she does not take you back, she will definitely forgive you.
Help me pick a name?!?
Ok So Im not sure what I am having yet, but If I have a little boy his name is going to be Westen Scott after my father in law and my gandfather. But If I have a little girl I wanna name her after my great grandmother who raised me. Her name Esther Love Carter. Any ideas of what I could use as a first name or middel name to go with 1 of the 2? Thanks :) & Btw Any Comments on Weston Scott?
Does Donald Trump actually have a change of becoming president ?
I doubt that Trump will even run. And if he does there is no way the Republicans will nominate him as their presidential candidate. I would be ashamed of America if he was nominated. And no, I wouldn't vote for him. He would be an appallingly bad president. He is immature and tactless. It wouldn't take long at all for him to have offended every foreign leader and government. The man can't keep his mouth shut. America would become the laughingstock of the world.
Why doesn't my built in webcam work?
I have an acer laptop that has a built in webcam. It worked when my grandmother had it, but shortly after i got it it stoped working. I've tried reinstalling with the support website and reseting to factory settings many times. I've tried just about everything. what can i do to get it to work without having to take it to someone to get it fixed?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Life offers endless possibilities and opportunities but why...?
there are some people, somewhere in the corners of this earth, don't even get that chance of a lifetime that they want and deserve even until they die? Despite all the hardships, they still don't get the chance to live comfortably and continuously being deprived of things that they need and want.
I have received a summons for grand jury duty. Will I be serving on the jury? Is there a?
selection process at the courthouse? Is there a chance that you won't be selected to serve? Going 4 weeks without a paycheck with certainly be a financial hardship. (grand jury is in suffolk county, ny) thanks
What is the meaning behind the EW in Judas by Lady Gaga?
I think she means that she is disgusted with herself how she can still be in love with someone who treated her wrongly and bad
How come I didn't care when my grandma died?
Same thing happened to me a week ago when my gram died. I hardly ever saw her, and never really connected, its perfectly normal to have little or no reaction when you arent connected to the person, its like a stranger dying.
Why do the people who read the bible constantly hate Jews and Catholics?
Is it because when they read it they read about the Jews conspiring with the Romans (Roman Catholics) to kill Jesus? Why do Evangelicals dislike Catholics and Jews?
Eligible for texas hardship license?
i an going to turn 15 on the 14th of june and i want to know if i could get oe. i am one of 7 children and my older sister doesn't know how to drive if her life counted on it. my dad doesn't get home till midnight, and my mother cant drive me anywhere because shes busy with the two sets of twins we have. i learned how to drive when i was 12 and im in charge in cases of emergency since my dad's never home. I also need to get a job because my father doesn't give money to my mother so i denie all the money that my mother offers me to help her pay for the other children.
Dual citizenship to Italy?
I have read several places that a person can get dual citizenship to Italy with no generation limit. After researching i am still unsure if I'm eligible. My great great grandfather was born in Italy in 1870, he came to America in the late 1800s I'm not sure what year but he is listed on the 1910 US census, along with his wife and children, so I'm guessing it was the late 1800s when he migrated. Both of his parents, my great great great grandparents, were born in Italy also and from my knowledge they did not migrate and remained in Italy. Also, my great great grandmothers parents were born in Italy. I do not know what year my great great grandfather was naturalized or how to find that info out. So with this given information, am I eligible to apply for dual citizenship? And how or where do I go to start the process?
Dreams about the gender of the baby?
i kept having dreams i was having a girl! but hes a boy :) its just the anticipation of wanting to know :)
I hate how my family thinks I'm changing too much!!?
They don't understand how I'm no nerdy 11 year old anymore!! I used to love history and science and want to be a scientist. I used to like writing and reading and my room was covered in maps and geography sh-t. According to my grandmother and mother, I have turned from a perfect, beautiful, smart girl to an obnoxious, careless, fake teenage stick of a girl. Like I said: I was very nerdy and did not give a damn about how I looked. I was also very overweight and I had friends my mom loved oh- so dearly. Now, I melted off 30 pounds, dyed my hair, grew it out to a very mature style, I wear make- up, and I have changed on the inside too. I now hate everything I did, I do 4 sports, I'm really involved in school, and I have friends who my mom is ok with but she thinks they are bad influences xP I go to lots of parties and am invited to hang out with people. I grew out of being shy, I had 3 boyfriends so far, my room is colorful and bright. I'm always out hanging out with people. I like being social and everything. I used to be a straight a student, then I turned into a b and c student. I honestly didn't care. But my family got annoyed with me never being home and barely passing two classes. But no one in my family understands I'm growing into a social, happy teen. (13 on July 4!) I'm the always out person in my family, my family sees that as a bad thing, how do I get them to understand I'm NOT 11 anymore?
Help me.... this hard english?
I'm sorry to say this, because I know it's not helpful to you...but you can't expect someone to do all of that. Do your own homework, ask the teacher for help, get a tutor...don't just copy the answers
How would my friends baby look like?
Why does everyone ask this question? Part of the fun of having a baby is seeing what he or she looks like. THERE IS NO WAY OF TELLING.
My mom is so rude to my friends?
I dont think she's doing any bad for you.As your mother she had to be careful that you dont end up with someone(as your boy friend) that may turn into a ugly situation in future...
Do you think we should get rid of the compulsory education laws?
Probably, but the big fish is getting rid of government run education. Starting with getting rid of the Department of Education and the NEA.
Am I wrong about feeling hesitant about this? ?
My grandfather and grandmother are going to be put in a home, my uncle as well because grandma and uncle have alzheimer's disease. I want what's best for all of them. I just worry about them being victims of neglect. My aunt told my uncle she doesn't love him and never did. I know he'd be better away from her but I still have doubts about nursing homes. Is my concern valid? Help me
How to fight a losing battle with one's self?
You don't have to stay alone your entire life. By the way, I'm always available if you want a friend. [: But you don't have to be alone. You may just be depressed. Hm.. I dunno. email me if you like.
Do you all believe that the New World Order conspiracy theory is real and true?
The NWO theory seems to lack specifics. or whenever specifics are supplied, they can't be verified or can be proved deficient or false. There are of course institutions which want the kind of power attributed to a successful imposition of NWO, and the individuals comprising those institutions are idealistically motivated. The NWO conspiracy theory in itself, however, serves the purpose of diverting attention from real conspiracies, just as most disinformation campaigns, like the 9-11 conspiracy theories and other popular ones.
What to give a constipated child ?
I have a 6 yr grand daughter that has been constipated off and on for the past 2 weeks. Her mother has tried an oral laxative on several occasions with some results, but this past few days she has been very constipated and she has been spending the week with me. She is out of school for the summer and will be with me most of the time. I tried a suppository this morning, but no result. I just happen to be searching through my bathroom pantry and happen to come across an old fashion child's enema bulb syringe. I had used it a number of times on my children when they were younger and was wondering if I could use this and maybe try placing her over my lap in the bathroom and give her an enema with the bulb syringe. Are there any mothers or grandmothers who may advise me. I do have my daughter's support as long as it is a last resort.
Avoiding Deportation from the United States.?
Just do a citizens test it ain't that hard you should know everything because you lived here for 18 years! Whats so hard about that
Have I missed growing up?
Not at all, everone is different when it comes to growing up, and you dont have to do those things. With me I never had an interest in drinking, smoking, trying drugs, partying, i have yet to live on my own (hopefully will soon though). I barely have an interest in porn. I am the same age and gender as you so i see where you came from from not doing some of same things you mentioned. I didnt get my drivers lisence until one month before my 20th, and I barely drive and would only have good reasons to go somewhere. I am not worried about a getting another bf (i have only had one) there are many people like you who havent done all or some of the same things you mentioned. Dont let these get to you as long as your happy and are able to do things you enjoy and want to to do. You have your whole life ahead of you, and I believe you truely grow up all your life and doesnt stop at a certain age, some experiance things sooner than others and others later.
My grandmother has diabetes?
my grandmother did not get diabetes hereditary or from eating to much sugar she got it from so much stress over the years and after getting operated anyways none of her sons and none of my brothers or cousins have gotten diabetes and they eat allot of sugar so are we at risk of getting more since my grandmother got it even though she did not get it genetically?
Do I qualify for a hardship liscense...?
My parents are divorced... My dad lives a good 20 miles from my school... My mom is closer but still out of district... I have swim practice and meats usually far from my school... Would all this qualify??? Ps: texas
What are some movies about musician hardship?
movies involving a musician going through tough times, a developing musician, like august rush and the soloist..stuff like that
What would be the best way to repair my western saddle?
My great grandmother past away only a few years ago, and we planned to make a trip and bring home her old saddle. the saddle has been in my family for many generations, and it has more sentimental value than what its truly worth. I ride all the time, and I would hope to have the saddle for my own if I properly repaired it. Here's the problem- the saddle has had its better days. Its been worn out, its busted, has had its wool liner removed, the leather on the stirrups are torn away leaving the metal exposed, and it has been sitting on the head of a chair for the past 40 years flattening out and collecting dust, and the leather needs oil desperately. I am craving advice. Please help!
Do U think that Indians play the supposed victimization role of the Muslims?
Well Indians and South Asians both make up a large group of people. A lot of people get them mixed up with Arabs/Muslims so some of them did go along with it for whatever reason. That said, I believe a lot of them don't want that role, being stereotyped as the '9/11' people.
Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?
Wow. Your family sounds ****** up. I think you should find friends how have no idea who Valentina is. You can have a fresh start. Also your only 4 years away from adulthood, you can start planning to get the hell out of there, I no I would.
If you knew the Machine, would you rage against, it or sell out to it?
Well raging against is has always proved futile so I would better my life and lower my standards and deal with it.
-CONSPIRACY (sp)... what is its purpose and its defeat?
**why do ppl (since it takes more than one person to have a conspiracy) choose to conspire against someone/something?--how easy is it to throw a conspiracy?--what makes a conspiracy weak or strong?
This is making me feel really sad?
I really want to get this out of my mind, it's just bringing me down. I've known for a few years now that my grandparents aren't perfect, but I didn't see this coming. My grandmother from my mom's side has a problem. It hurts to admit this, but I think she is racist. I'm a 14 year old girl, my dad's side of the family is Italian and my mother's is Brazilian. My grandmother used to make fun of me last year because I was dating a black guy. I thought that I was making too much of a big deal out of it, so I ignored it. But what she said today really disappointed me. My uncle is in jail for not paying child support to his two kids (one of them is a 17 year old girl and a 15 year old boy). But it's not that he doesn't have the money, it's because he just doesn't want to pay (it's pretty obvious). But my grandmother called my cousin, and asked her if she could talk to her mom about dropping charges. My cousin told her that he deserves it, and that she should stay out of it. My grandmother hung up on her and started cussing saying "she is such a ***** a$$ (insert N word here)". I didn't know what to do so I just walked away. I haven't told anybody what she said, but it's really bringing me down. I mean, that's her granddaughter, how could she say something like that? I'm embarrassed by my grandmother saying this. She has never called me anything like that, and when I point out to her that I'm mixed she says "You don't understand, it's different. Don't worry about it.". And I just don't understand. I know she loves me, but why should she treat my cousin any different just because of her color? I just feel really bad right now, and I don't know how to get myself to feel better. How do I get this out of my mind?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
History plzz help.. Have 1 day to get this done :( Plz?
Is there something you have a specific question about or do you just want someone else to do your work for you? Could you at least act like you have thought about these questions and tried to find the answers?
How do I collect unpaid child support?
The father of my child has frequently paid less child support than he was supposed to and even disappeared for a couple years. Recently, we've come back into contact and he has been paying (almost as much as he is supposed to) each month, but he recently told me that now that my daughter is graduating high school and turning 19 in october he doesn't intend to continue paying me every month or paying what still owes me. He owes me over 44,000 plus maternity payments! I want to know what department to contact about child support collection. Also if you have any information, advice or websites that could help, please share.�I haven't taken action before now because I was trying to keep things civil for my daughters sake, but he's caused me alot of financial hardship over the years and I have to do something. Hope you can help.�
My sister took out a loan in my name.?
That's like illegal for her to do that without your permission. Go to wherever the loan was established and like cancel it or something.
My boyfriend smokes..should I break up with him?
So I started to date this guy and I believe he was mister perfect until today when I saw him smoking while walking home. I thought he was the best guy in the world, which he is! He loves everything I do and he's really sweet, but I'm afraid. My grandfather died from lung cancer and heart disease and my grandmother had smoked but she quit after her husband died. My parents are really strict about smoking and so am I, so should I break up with him for it? My dad told me it took his father to die for his mom to stop, so I shouldn't even try. What should I do?
College cost increase?????????????
okay so i have to write an essay on 3 reasons for post secondary education increase. only i don't know what the reasons are. i can not find any particular sources on the internet. ive gotten things like inflation, budget cuts, financial hardship etc. but it doesnt really explain it in detail enough for me to expand on it. so i would greatly appreciate it if you could help me. please and thank you
Can I Sue this restaurant or put them out of business?
My grandmother and I went out to lunch at an asian buffet called Sakura Buffet in Lancaster, CA. My grandmother and I noticed that there was flies going into the food. But sadly it was after we at a little bit of food. We both think that we ate some flies that we didn't see. My grandma told one of the workers and all they did was fan the flies away!!! I felt so disgusted. After a while we started throwing up and had to go to the bathroom.We think it's food poisoning. It' not like were greedy or anything but this place needs to be shutdown!
How do I pay for occasional labor?
I'm starting a business and I have a friend that will be helping me out. She has no ownership of the business and will be working at her leisure (essentially) but not often enough, I feel, for me to go the independent contractor route. That would probably be a hardship for her as well to have to report self-employment taxes. How do I pay her properly and indicate that expense properly?
How can i adopt a child from a family that doesn't want it?
i know this family that has two children that the father took in from his (junkie) ex-wife. one is his and the other is Just his step child. he doesn't take care of them as much, but has his mom do all the raising for him. the mother (the children's grandmother) cares for the kids but has health problems and gets tired a lot. i want to take the kids off their hands but what do i need beside written conscent form the parent??
Shouldn't it be a crime for a political party to bankrupt the federal government by design?
Under the republican party's starve the beast policies,they lowered taxes for the rich to decrease the federal government revenue,in order to force the government to spend less .Those republicans had 2 wars going on at the same time as the tax cuts ! how did they intend to pay for these wars ? Now the government is so broke that school teachers , policemen and some of everybody else is losing their jobs . Would people who loved America do something like this to America ? Do you think that the starve the beast policies, of the republican party ,went further than they thought it would and caused more problems than they intended ? Why are they crying the loudest about the debt now,when they were in office ,shouldn't they have seen this coming ? Why do you think they were so late sounding the alarm ? We all know that they were not so stupid that they didn't see it coming .So,they must have conspired to bankrupt the United States Government ! Sounds like treason to me ! What part does exporting job play in the bankrupting of the federal government ? They are the ones who cause these problems but they are acting like they are so concern about the debt and they keep blaming it on President Obama ! If these republicans had any concerns what so ever about the nation's debt ,THEY HAD 8 YEARS TO VOICE THEIR CONCERNS ,BEFORE,IT GOT TO THIS POINT ! THEY SAID NOTHING ! Now they want to balance the budget on the backs of SCHOOL TEACHERS,POLICEMEN AND THE ELDERLY ! Does the republican party think that the American people so stupid, that they can't see through these FOR THE RICH ONLY REPUBLICANS ? I don't think that they are ,the American people will see them for what they are and it is going to happen SOON !
How do we keep my 90 year old mom from being evicted?
My 90 year old mother lives in a senior complex. My pot smoking nephew (also indulges in other substances) visits his grandmother quite frequently. Management accused my nephews friend of spray painting the garbage room, she also said that my nephew and his friend were hanging out in the laundry room and she also said that when on the elevator with my nephew he smelled of marijuana. Apparently the mgr. confronted my mother about these things (I'm told that she was very rude) the manager claims my mother threatened her, my mother says that she didn't. My mother has always been feisty, but I wasn't there, I don't know what words were exchanged. Anyway after 17 years of residency my mother has received an eviction notice from this fairly new manager. Can my mother file any kind of lawsuit to keep her apt? where would she go? what would her grounds be. I don't know if it counts for anything, but even if my mother told the mgr that she would kick her butt, there is no way that she could do it. Thank you in advance for your answers, your help is appreciated.
Are there any major conspiracy theories (JFK, Moon landing, 9/11, etc) that you think might be true?
I have learned that my former company commander from 1963 was investigated as a result of the JFK assassination. He was a primary ballistics expert. I wonder if the investigation could have occurred because the alleged rifle used can't perform as well as stated but one of the same caliber manufactured by anyone a major ballistics expert might have contact with.
AMC: Who's Holding ERICA Prisoner ...?
This may be way out there but maybe it's Adam.. When he left the show he said he would come back occasionally but hasn't as yet. I know it's far fetched but after all this is a soap.. lol
--just b/c u know u can always ask forgiveness?
i think SOME, not all, Christians do some of the most vile things to others, namely "non-Christians" or anyone they choose to look their nose down upon, just b/c they can always ask forgiveness--i'm so tired of Christians who lie, steal, conspire to do evil things, express rage and anger outwardly, then go to church and pretend to be saints--that's not how it's supposed to be, is it? especially when it's essentially the best way for a person to gain demons as each time a person asks forgiveness for something they have become saved, and anytime after that, if they sin, they're considered a "back-slider" and gain demons--this to me explains why Christians seem to be more evil than ever... i call it a "made-up Christianity "--i think they think they've found a way to fool God... IT's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY!!! [it's my opinion--plz do not respond if u have something rude to say--UR SUPPOSED TO BE CHRISTIAN REMEMBER!]
Should you take a 6yr old to a Funeral?
I would like to take my daughter to a funeral on Friday. Her cousin's ages 9, 11 and 19 lost their grandmother on their father side to cancer a week ago. I think it would be a good experience for her to know how to behave in this type of situations. I believe she is mature enough to handle it. Actually she always ask me about what happens when people die. Also I want her to know that should always support your family not only in good times but in the bad times as well. I know they girls would be happy to see since she is the baby of the family. Just want to hear people's thoughts on this matter. Please note we wont be attending the wake only the funeral service and burial.
Help me please!!! How can I watch my show?!?
I'm really into the show "love in the wild". It's on every Wednesday. But next Wednesday, I'll be sleeping over my grandmother's house. My grandmother probably won't approve of this show, so how can I still watch it?! Is there any website that would allow me to watch it on my iPod touch that night??? Please help! I need to see this episode so I'm not confused for the next episode!! :). Thanks! I promise 10 points for the website!
Help!! Very angry and aggressive cats!!?
Help!!! I have 7 cats and recently they have been acting very aggressive towards me, often hissing and jumping at my feet all at once for no reason! I don't know what to do!! They all do this now all of a sudden out of nowhere! Do you think cats are capable of conspiring against humans? Have my cats turned evil and are now plotting against me? Should I be scared? What do I do??
Why do conservatives object to collective bargaining rights, when retailers are free to fix retail prices?
This is not fair, really. If retailers can collectively conspire and rob the customers by fixing prices, then public unions should be allowed to rob taxpayers too, right?
If you have been a hard time and its ongoing what do you say to someone you meet who asks how are things?
I think most people say things like how are things just to be polite right they don't really care and don't really want to know but what when its someone who knows about your hardships, what do you say to them the standard fine thanks or should you say well you know I have a hard time at the moment with this that and the other but aside from all the nightmare I'm fine thanks
Is it possible that a chart may be too harmonious?
A person with only harmonious aspect is more lazy than productive. A person needs the squares to build character and overcome the obstacles. i always point this out in astrology that what follows the square aspect is the Trine. That is the reward following the square. The Trines are followed by oppositions. But unless you can compromise, the grand trines won't amount to much. Also, a chart needs a square aspect to one of the grand trine angle to release the positive energy. Otherwise, the energy goes around in circles and doesn't amount to anything. Harmonious aspect offer no difficulty.
Should I commit suicide? 10 points for best answer?
No! Dont do it, you want someone to talk to I'll talk to you, email me I'll be here for you. Don't give your life away because things can change it can only take one person and I'll be that one person...just don't kill yourself please...
Learning to play the guitar?
I'm 15 and I really want to learn how to play the guitar. I've been in music classes pretty much throughout all my school years so i know what the notes and what the music symbols are and all that. My grandmother bought me a guitar when i was really little but i never got into it. But what i want to know is, is it hard learning to play the guitar and on average about how long will it take to get at least semi good to playing it?
Bathtub safety possibilities?
===best you have a trip to the commercial desk at Lowe's and talk with them about the products that willl help you have a safe bath ... those stick=ons and mats are getting mold because of the residual soap scum == rinse the tub when done .. ((((( respectfully submitted and hope this helps))))
Monday, July 18, 2011
Anyone else LOVE their baby's but so glad not to be pregnant anymore? possibly ever again?
I have two fantastic kids and I'm in love with being a mom but after two very rough pregnancies I can honestly say I am not envious of all my friends getting pregnant right now and dealing with all the pregnancy hardships. I am just enjoying my 8 month old and 5 year old and I think I'm done! What do you think, anyone actually miss being pregnant?
I saw the most gorgeous girl today what should I do?
I was sitting in the kordova milkbar with my fellow droogs conspiring plans to a night of rape and ultraviolence when a gorgeous girl walked into the milkbar, singing beethoven. It was as if a marvelous angel flew into the milkbar and I was completely dumbstruck as what bogsends this devotchka vinnied. I soon knew what to do as lovely music came to my aid. It was Georgie the general his mindless gathering, a.
Can a guy who was found guilty in drug trafficking be sent to another country to do his time?
Countries often have reciprocal agreements on prison sentences, allowing a prisoner to be sent home for sentence. Normally the countries have an agreement on the length of the sentence. The arrangement allows the prisoner to serve their sentence, it does not change the verdict.
Im loosing my vehicle, cannot make the payments what is my next move please help!?
You can't find a *job* as an 18 year old?!? Ok, go out and cut lawns, wash windows, clean houses. talk to everybody in your neighborhood and tell them the services you provide. If you can get 20 customers who you can work for once a week, you could create a decent business. By the way, sell the car! You can't afford it, and selling the car would be your best option. After you make a little money, buy a beater. Bankruptcy would be a stupid plan, IMO.
Why do Republicans & tea party folk call others fascist?
These people like calling Democrats & progressives that, yet they are the ones blatantly conspiring among each other to make the working class & poor bear the brunt of our economic recovery instead of the reckless rich who created the problem. Busting unions, closing public doors to the common people, raiding Dems homes, etc. It's such an obvious case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Dog Section: Is this normal?
One of my grandmother's puppies (6 months old) has the usual knot on the back of her head, but it feels like it's retaining fluid in that area. Her veterinarian says it's normal, but I don't think so, I figured I would ask to be on the safe side.
What legal rights do grandparents have in pennsylvania?
My ex boyfriend and I have a 2 year old daughter. Throughout our 3 and a half year relationship my exes mom usually took my daughter about once a week to spend time with her. She really is a great woman and I trust her caring for my daughter. Since my ex and I split about a month ago, she still continues to take my daughter about once a week. I never gave her a problem about this as it is absolutely no problem with me. Recently, I was informed that she had gone to a lawyer and had him write something up to secure her visitation rights with my daughter. Although, she is a great person in the sense of being caring she also is very pushy in getting what she wants. I feel threatened because I have not given her reason to believe that I wouldn't let her visit with my daughter. I could see if since my ex and I split I had yet to let her see my daughter but that is not the case at all. I am not saying that it would be anytime soon but years from now after I'm done with school, I don't necessarily want to be tied down to the area i'm in. I very well may never leave but i'd like to have the option open. Is there anything that a grandparent could do to legally tie me down to the area i'm living in? This isn't an issue with the father of my child. I understand that if he really wanted to he would have the right to have me stay in the area to assure he sees his child. That isn't the case though. This is purely the grandmothers doing.
Hows a parent to open adult childs eyes to dead beat boyfriend?
He is 34, college grad, has not had a job for over one year. Was on unemployment and also went bankrupt. She is 21 and in her last year of undergrad. This guy is going no where! He is too old. Has nothing to offer. No job, no home, nothing to show for his 34 years. She can't see the hardships involved that a future with this guy will bring. We are helping her through college and had planned to for her Masters. But not if they are together. She has had little experience in adult relationships. Didn't date much in high school.She is not a happy person, Gaining close to 40 lbs. Dresses and looks like an old maid. Her extent ed family doesn't think much of him.How do we help her see?
What should I do when I'm picked on?
Hey dude, life is crappy sometimes...dont worry about your brother or your family. just keep doing what you know is right (which is definitely getting good grades in school). Its none of my business why your dad left, mine left when i was fifteen and i got a letter in the mail three days later telling me why he left. Keep your chin (and your grades) up. Don't emulate your brother. He doesnt exactly sound like a good role model. You said you havent spoken with your dad in a while. How do you know that he would be okay with you living with him? Before you do anyhting drastic, you definitely need to talk with you dad and find out what his rules and expectations of you will be. Things might have changed since he left. Things like curfew, dating, school, etc... You should also speak with a guidance counselor or teacher at your school (someone who you trust, not just anyone) and ask them their opinion. Finally, write a side will have the positive reasons for moving, the other side will hsve the negative reasons. When you get done, sleep on it for a few days. There will be more that you want to add to it.
Would this make me eligible for a hardship license in Texas ?
I go to a school were you can take dual credit (classes that have college and high school credit) and regular college classes before and after school. They don't have a bus that can take you to the classes and back from them and my mom can't take me, so can I get a hardship ?
with the uefa delegate who was at the rangers psv tie not mentioning the singing in his report, do you think there are a dark forces,shadowy figures, whispering in dark corners and corridors at the highest echelons within uefa at work conspiring against the queens tax dodging 11 LOL
Why was a book titled this? Easy 10?
Catalyst in the sense that an event (house burning down) has made Kate have to question herself and grow before many of us often do.
Should I distance myself from her?
I think you should support her and when she comes crying talking about him dumping her, sit her down and talk to her about all of this. Dont do it while she has a boyfriend because it may keep her from seeing it from your point of veiw. But if she is truley your bestfriend, dont abandon her, help her.
Watching my grandmas dog, and he isnt eating?
he might miss youe grandma and not feel comfortable with another dog in the house but u just need to give him time and dont push him to eat... just let him be.. when he gets really hungry he will eat
Money Out of Thin Air?
Actually, it is money and debt that are created together. The process is really easy. The fed prints notes, bills and sells them. Treasury Notes and Bills are debt. In practice, it is the fed borrowing money from the general public and repaying the loan with interest at some later time. Money is simply a common denominator form of exchange for goods and services. The fed could have used barter instead of currency to achieve the same end, goods and services used to trade for goods and services, with money in the middle acting as the transfer medium. The current financial crisis happened because of loans made to people who could not afford to repay the loans. The banks made money off the process. They KNEW the loans were never going to be repaid, but took the short view of some money NOW rather than much more later. They then then repackaged the debt and sold it as an asset, like stock in a company on the reasoning that mortgages always get repaid! These now are referred to as toxic assets. The banks sold the public a bill of goods. It all came apart when people started defaulting on loans. The mortgage lender takes out insurance for a default, to cover the loss. So, the insurance companies started losing a lot of money because of what they had to payout for each default. THAT is where the fed stepped in and deposited money into the insurance companies to keep them in business, in the lending banks that were "too big" to fail. The bailout money was LOANED, not given. The companies have to pay it ALL back with interest. The problem is that the process added dollars to the total amount of currency in circulation, so the dollar is being diluted, worth less in terms of goods and services. So, the money they pay back will be worth LESS than the money they received TODAY, and THAT is where the general public loses. All of the companies saved with dollars today, are being paid from a dollar that ends up worth less tomorrow, at the expense of the general public who uses dollars to pay for goods and services. I have simplified the process here. But this is basic economics 101. This is mostly the fault of greed on the part of lending institutions and insurance on loans that would not be repaid. The problem is there is no way to prosecute the individual person in a lending institution who made the first predatory loan, knowing it was likely not going to be repaid. Or the person who approved a mortgage for 120% of the value of a house. The 120% loan is where people got in "underwater" since 120% inflated the value of the house to more than it was really worth, which WORKS in a rising market so in a while the house increases to the inflated value. But what happens if you default? Easy, you owe more than the house is worth and you lose everything in foreclosure. But, it is THOSE banking people who took the money from those loans and ran, leaving the defaulting buyer to fall on someone else's doorstep, the insurance companies who insured the loans against default. Like I said, huge amounts of simplification here. I hope you get the big picture on what the collective errors in judgment of tens of thousands of people in mortgage lending did to all of us. THEY, get away completely free with the money that eventually comes out of our collective pockets via the federal government bailing out Wall Street, investment banks, mortgage companies and the insurance companies. What goes around, comes around... In the end, it is the general public that pays the price through diluted currency. Without the fed stepping in and propping up businesses that would have folded, it would have been MUCH worse. Instead of delaying the price to the public over years as it will, it would have hit our pocketbook like falling off a cliff. Instead of the cliff, we are taking the long way down to the bottom. THAT is how the fed saved the present economy and avoided a crash like 1929 and the Depression that followed in the 30's.
"Theres is nothing called impossible love" (paulo coelho) .?
When you want something with all your heart the whole universe conspires in your favour. I love a person and is it possible to get that person love me back with same intensity and passion.. ??because that is what i want with all my heart..will the universe really conspire in my favor or should i forget thinking its impossible..
I'm 14 weeks pregnant and emotionally miserable! I'm not a kid person.?
as for not being a kid person, that will all change. i hated kids too, but now i have my own kid and i love her. it all changes when you actually hold your baby in your arms. as for living with a rude grandmother, take it easy, relax, try not to get in any fights with her, and live with her until you can get your money. she will probably be a lot of help too once the baby comes. jeans, you could probably find some maternity jeans at a thrift store for real cheap. there are also organizations for helping out mothers with diapers, food, clothing, furniture, ect. if you look on there are probably free furniture in there too. i wish you the best of luck!
Is the Illuminati satanic? if so how?
I've been seeing creepy videos about satan conspiring and controlling the government from behind and other things. But how in the hell is Illuminati considered satanic? its just a bunch of smart asses
Do you agree that the past backbone of the nation, our OAP's, should have to decide wether to HEAT or EAT?
this coming winter. These are the very souls who endured extreme hardships in the 40's and 50's, in order that we could pay back the USA for its help during WW11. Should they again suffer, in their dotage, not for the sins of the Nazi's, but the sins of the bankers. Is it not an outrage to these people, who are after all are our mothers fathers grans and grandpa's
What do people have against Jews?
Why the hell do people keep bashing Jews and Israel? Especially those middle-eastern arabics and alot of europeans. Jews are like 2% of the world population, yet no other group has gone through more hardship or contributed more to humanity (including morals). Maybe there are some bad jews, but that's every race. Like if one person of a race does something awful, the whole race gets categorized. Anyway, yea whats up? Is it just jealously? In the bible, it says that Jews will be oppressed by many I think.
How can I increase my chances of meeting a 'Sticky End'?
Sticky ends are the results of some types of restriction enzymatic cleavage of DNA. So next time you indulge in molecular cloning, you may meet a sticky end.
7 week old kitten is so boney yet I feed him twice a day a mixture of kitten chow, and Taste of the Wild.?
The Taste of the Wild is both wet and dry. I've had him for about a week since his mother abandoned him. I haven't got him into a vet yet because of money hardship right now but my moms working on getting the money. How can I fatten him up? His ribs, hip bones, and spine can be felt, and counted yet he has a rounded stomach.
Would you be upset with this?
Please add some detail: Are you married? Is your mother taking care of you and the children? Have you and your g'ma always been at odds? I would like to give you a clear opinion b/c I can feel your hurt. We cannot pick our family but establish your extended 'family' with good, loving friends and get on with your life.
Is it wrong choosing my boyfriend over family?
Wow u went trew a lot of crap for this boy well ask if you can move in with your boyfriends I mean ya ur parents will be mad but they can firer you from being there child even tho it dose not seem like it they love you and if you do move in with them then sneak out they can't treat you like your 13 for the reast of your life
What is the best approach to getting out of my mortgage with my credit union?
My husband and I are paying much more for our home than what it is worth, as probably most Americans are today. We kind of settled on the house in the first place when we bought it, and we both hate it. I am currently on maternity leave and am most likely not returning to work so I can attend school in September. My husband is a laid-off teacher who has no idea whether he will be working in the fall or not. We make our mortgage payments on time every month, but we are getting more and more tempted to skip one or two payments in order to save some cash. Problem is, we are too honest and responsible (unlike others out there), not to mention scared, to do that. Ultimately, we would love to just drop the place, maybe do a short sale or something like that. I'm sure everyone is looking for a way to get out of their mortgage right now, but is there a right way to do it? We pay our bills, but with me not working and hubby possibly not having a job in a few months, would we be able to demonstrate a valid hardship? Also, our mortgage is through a credit union, not a bank or mortgage broker, so I don't know how that would change our approach. If you have any advice at all to offer on what steps we can take, or if you just want to tell me to suck it up and deal with our crappy house because we should be happy we have a roof over our heads, I would love to hear it. Thanks.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What does it mean if a fly stares you down???
The other day a fly literally stared at me for 2 minutes, I dont know if I should get scared or if it was my grandmother reincarnated.
Do you think Donald Trump has a change of becoming president ?
Donal Trump definitely does not stand a chance for presidency. The guy is a capitalist and an idiot at best.
Trying to remember a book?!?
OK so I still remember a little bit about the book Im trying to remember. The book cover was gray and kinda looked like.. steel flooring. Uhh the Father was crazy and trapped his Wife and his son and his daughter in a.. Mansion type place to protect his kids from a made up disaster. The family had another brother but the brother and the grandmothers "Died" but thats what the father told the family even though it really didn't happen. Also the dad was doing experiments on his daughter to make a child thats.. like a clone. And they I think had to stay there for.. 15 years until it was safe to see land again. Also when they did escape they lived happily ever after but when the escaped the house it was insane like.. the father was chasing the second oldest son (the one who didnt get lost with the grandmother) And the daughter I think it was it may have been the clone. And the mansion they were protected in blew up! So have any idea what this book was called?! PLEASE HELP ITS IRRITATING ME!
Need to sell autographed dvds porn?
includes stars such as delilah strong, olivia o"lovely, cherokee,sinnamon love, amber peach,luscious lopez.etc.. if interested plz let me know ... plz also no bs about this i am in financial hardship and about to be kicked out because no money for rent .. so i am selling items. i even have regular movies too that i am selling . i live in eagle rock ca if there is any place in los angeles that buys these (porn)plz let me know .
Why don't passenger vehicles have removable rear quarter panels?
The way they mount parts of the body usually have to do with the nature of impact common to its location. The reason we can have modular front fenders is because they are part of crumple zones. The thing about crumple zones though is that they only spread the energy out, they don't absorb it. The firewall is what absorbs it. Unless we install firewalls in the rear there isn't a safe way to have rear crumple zones. Instead of adding all that extra weight and wasting material they just make a more solid fender in the first place, and it seems to work considering that most parents trust the backseat to keep their kids safe.
What movie is this called?
I forgot what this movie is called . it looks like a 1980 movie or somewhere in the 1990s. its about theses 3 kids and a wife. the mom locked thes kids in her mothers attic and she go does whatever she wants. and she and her mother feed them poison cookies to kill em. and they are all locked up in the closet only the mom and the grandmother knows. and at the end the daughter pushes the mom and i guess she died at the end. thats the only thing i remember about the movie. it has been killing me for years now.
Why do Brussels want to wipe us out?
The spineless 21st century British deserve to lose their country. They just bend over and take the shafting again and again....... What can you do with a gutless people like that, other than try to mix them with the French in the forlorn hope that the French might breed some balls back into the wet tossers. Why do Brussels want to wipe out the British.....Perhaps the sight of their weak servile arses is sickening the rest of Europe to the point where they cant afford to hand out buckets anymore, its cheaper to wipe out the British????????
Please someone help me revise this?
Senna writes about how her and grandmother have differences and similarites . Such as they both are writers, women, and find out later after a fight they have the same temper. Senna grandmtoher is irish and protestant and senna is african and mexican and . What the two share together is the love that have one for another which is revealed after a dispute between the Seena and her grandmother.
Who should I audition for in into the woods jr. and what song should I sing?
I am 14, but I tend to play older characters, so little red is out. I also don't think I'll be able to pull off cinderella or rapunzel. I was the grandmother of little red when I first did this show, but I want a different part. I'm about 5'2 and curvy. I can sing from mid alto to high soprano. Parts that people have said I would be good at include Ms. Hannigan from Annie, Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast, The Lady of the Lake from Spamalot and Eleanor from Starmites. This is the Jr. version, which is basically the full version up until intermission. Please help me!!!! :D
What to do.. need advice 10 POINTS?
Seriously move on to the next girl. The teenage heart is very resilliant. You find someone new in a week or 2 max.
Will I grow any taller?
heeey, im 14 years old (i'll be 15 on January 30) and im only 5'2, & in the 10th grade. My mom is about the same height as me, and my dad is about 6'3. BUT, my grandmother is like 5'3, and my dad's mom is like 5'4...will I get any taller?
I want to get married so badly,am I the only one who is feeling like this?
You are very young - give yourself time to discover WHO you are before giving yourself to a marriage. The better you know yourself, and the more adventures you have as a single woman, the better the chances are that you will be able to recognize 'the one' when he comes along, and you won't have regrets that you didn't have a life of your own - away from parents - before entering a life with another human being.
How can i write a will for my grandmother and make it legal?
my grandmother who is 91 years old is bed ridden due to a fall she had about a month ago .she talks about how she is going to pass soon . i know that it will happen when its her time to go.i have been thinking for a grate while if she has a will of i recently asked her about to who she wants all of her stuff to go to because the way my family is they will go and try to grab anything they can and i cant and will not let that happen because they are all a bunch of fakes and don't even care for my grannie.2 years ago my aunt who is her daughter and caregiver passed away from cancer and she had about 500.00 dollars saved up of my grandmothers money and a box full of jewelery. before she died nothing of what my aunt had saved up for my grandma was given back to her but instead the grand children who are my aunts kids took the money and jewelry who knows what they did with it.and now my other aunt who is my grandmothers other daughter is her caregiver now and takes care of her POORLY .she steals her money never shows up to cook or clean me and my twin sister do ALL of that i got so frustrated about it that i even stopped talking to my aunt .my mom even saw her at the movies with her wanna be jersey shore son while she was supposed to be helping my grannie!!!! .any ways my sister and i talked to her and she said that she wants all of her stuff to go to my dad .she also has 2 houses in question is what is the process of making a will? and how can it become legal. also can the 2 properties in mexico be added to the will ? i love my grannie very much and i want to do whats best for her :)
Is it legal to move out of your house at 17 in South Carolina?
Hi, my mom and dad have been divorced for almost 4 years (i think) and I HATE living with my mom!! My grandmother and great-grandmother and sister live with me and all but my sister I cant STAND being around. My grandmother is controlling and mean and my great-grandmother is just plain mean!! My mom has anger management issues and cant look you straight in the face and tell you the truth! I heard on some site how you can move out of your house at 17 in SC! I love my Dad, hes awesome and treats me GREAT!! Im wanting to move in with him, and he would let me in a split second if I could!!! Im 15, turning 16 in a month and a day! I am going to take on a job during my 10th Grade year along with the Summer before 11th grade! It pays about $9-$10/hour!! It just requires you be 16 before they hire you! I was just wondering if it is possible if you could move out of your house at 17 years old in South Carolina? Thanks!!
HELP! Management company is NOT playing by FAIR LAW?
So due to YOUR hardship, you feel you can give your landlord a hardship? You are bound by the rules and terms of your contract. You agreed to live in the house until a certain time. If you can't afford your lease anymore, you can be evicted, which will end up charging you either until the end of your lease or until they find someone else to rent your place. They are acting completely within the law.
I dont love my husband anymore?
I been married for 8 years, we have 2 chidren both boys at their very young age. My problem startd when i had my second child, my husband doesn't wanna help me no matter how busy i am, after gaving birth to my 2nd child i went back to the hospital for some surgery, my hardship started bec. he doesnt help me at all. i dont have family at here since i came from other country. after few years, i realize that i dont have feeling for him, we start arguing, he started calling names on me, controlling me most of the time. one time i asked divorce and he said he dont want to. he said we can pretend that were separated. i dont have job, but right now im back in school, i need 1 year to finish my course. Im not happy for long time, he never showed he care for me, even my birthday, mother's day or wedding anniversary he never greet me. i feel that he doesn't want me to divorce him because he can't stand living in a house alone, doesn't know the household chores. i want to get out in this marriage but he told me that i cant do that because i dont have job. if i leave him, im afraid i cant take my kids with me, they are very young. there is a guy that he is welling to help me but in my situation how can i get out. Right now he is jobless, so we argue a lot. he treated me like a helper but he never hurt me physically but emotionally he is hurting me. i really need an advice. i dont know what to do.
Ah, the joys of being a teenager. boy help?
Don't get sucked into whatever game they're trying to play, you can't win when it's two of them and you have no idea what they're saying or thinking. The very best thing you can do is be honest and up-front. Just say Hi Taylor, How's Dominic? I know you guys are in a band together and I figure you've talked about me by now. So what's the deal? ...or whatever you want to say that just faces the situation head-on and puts you in control. be brave and don't screw yourself over by trying to guess what they're playing at.
There are magical beings living in my ear?
Sometimes when I sit in silence I can hear them conspiring and planning something. How do I get rid of them?
How do I get control back from a 3 year old?
I am only seventeen but I have a cousin who can act like your daughter sometimes and it is hard to take care of her sometimes. What I do to my cousin is I talk to her in a stern voice and make eye contact. The eye contact is the key it shows authority don't force her to look at you just say her name until she looks at you even if it takes about a hundred times before she does. I am one of the only one my cousin listens to and I never lay a hand on her, yell at her, etc. Don't spank your child because physical abuse like that doesn't help much you just have to have patience. Also when she goes into a tantrum just put her in her room and ignore her until she calms down then talk to her. I hope this helps!
What is YOUR definition of the words "Conspiracy Theory"?
My definition of Conspiracy Theory - a theory that requires evidence that supports the assertion a group of people worked together to plan, and execute a given event; usually an illegal event.
Teenage son wants to move in with girlfriend...?
Let's say you have a son, 18, who has just graduated high school and is planning on going to college this fall. He does not have a job, and has just enough financial aid to cover his tuition but not his living expenses. You, the parent, are planning to pay his rent while he is in school even though it will cause a financial hardship for you. Now let's say that while you are trying to find him a place to live, he informs you that he wants to move his girlfriend in with him as well. What do you do?
Job: If God is Love...?
Just goes to show how frail and delicate our lot really is on this earth. At any moment disaster can take us, for whatever reason be it just plain matter taking its chaotic course to some God up there making little sense out of us as He pretty much treats us as I used to treat the ants in my back yard. Indiscriminately and deadly I would massacre them heartlessly. So too was this done to Job even though he was allowed to live, his loved ones had no chance. Probably one of the stories handed down from generation to generation and then somehow formed into someones idea of God. Can you imagine the corruption that must have existed so that a mans whole family can be wiped out and then be put right later with more. That sounds like a pretty good politician of modern times to be able to get away with that.
Does any one know about world war 2?
Some say Roosevelt did conspire to enter WWII. As we all know that is a theroy. There was no way the holocaust could have been prevented at the rate the french and british appeased Hitler. The US treated all of their partners as equals. Unconditional surrender was the best way to wipe out facism forever. having it demanded from the italians, japanese, and germans was nothing short of ethical. Hope these quick answers help.
Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?
What you need to do is not care what Valintina is doing. If you want to write a book. do it. if you want to live in New York. Go ahead. Its a big city and noones stoppin ya. You give Valintina too much credit, she probly doesnt realize what she's doing, or maybe she does. but do you really want to give her the attention? Just ignore what she wants and do whats good for you and what you want. Tell someone about whats happening. Because by the way you ranted in this question i'd say ya need it. and im not being mean just blunt. Be what you want to be and dont let jelousy or upstagement get in your way. when they compare you to her take it as motivation to be urself. Dont try to not be like her, it will only frustrate you. Just be you. and if ya dont know you that is, well neither does every other teen. So dont worry about it, i know that it seems hard and that your probly ready to explode, so let it out. Rant to the skies, run til ya pass out(not really it sucks when that happens), do something to let it out and help yourself. But remember that other people are going through the same thing everywhere and people are going to judge you and are going to be rude, but you've got to learn to deal with it and not by self harm. instead use it as motivation. I remember my grandma got me a pair of pants that where HUGE a couple years ago and i mean huge. and she said id grow into them. well it hurt my feelings because to me it meant she thought i was going to be that big when i got older, but then i got mad and got to where im a healthy weight :) and i know the situations are not near the same but use negetive stuff to make a positive impact on your life. I really hope this helped
Your Opinion on Teen Mom shows?
I'd really like to hear opinions on shows like 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom, Etc. Even opinions on TV shows such as Kate Plus 8, and Octomom. In my personal opinion, especially the pregnant teen shows are just about immature girls who throw temper tantrums and blame their parents/boyfriend for every little thing. I also feel bad for the children of the moms, because they're getting exploited before they can even talk! In Kate Plus 8, I think the same type of thing occurs. Kate and her now ex husband start drama and exploit their children. Granted, sometimes these shows do show the hardships of being a young parent, but mostly they are rewarding teens for making a bad choice.
What is "Fooly Cooly"?
I interpreted "Fooly Cooly" as the hardships and lessons of growing up and maturing. What's your opinion?
How can I be supportive to my girlfriend (a rape victim) while still maintaining my independence?
I have been dating a girl for around 3 weeks and we really seem to have a connection. We share a lot of the same interests, both have an easy going personality, and have a lot of physical/sexual chemistry. She seems to be a great girl but is giving signs of being a little bit needy. She wants to hang out with me almost every day which is too much for me. I am a person that values my alone time and independence a great deal. I enjoy spending time with her..just not every day. She revealed to me toward the beginning of our relationship that she was a rape victim and also the victim of a separate incidence of sexual assault. I really feel for her because she is a great girl who has had some very bad luck during her lifetime. Despite all of her hardships she is an optimistic and fun person with a lot of strength. I have the utmost respect and admiration for her. I feel a connection with her. I just fear that her needyness may drive us apart. I know that rape victims often have a hard time being alone so I'm sure this has something to do with the situation. I want to make this relationship work if at all possible. What are some things i can do to be supportive while not being smothered?
How do we keep my 90 year old mom from being evicted?
My 90 year old mother lives in a senior complex. My pot smoking nephew (also indulges in other substances) visits his grandmother quite frequently. Management accused my nephews friend of spray painting the garbage room, she also said that my nephew and his friend were hanging out in the laundry room and she also said that when on the elevator with my nephew he smelled of marijuana. Apparently the mgr. confronted my mother about these things (I'm told that she was very rude) the manager claims my mother threatened her, my mother says that she didn't. My mother has always been feisty, but I wasn't there, I don't know what words were exchanged. Anyway after 17 years of residency my mother has received an eviction notice from this fairly new manager. Can my mother file any kind of lawsuit to keep her apt? where would she go? what would her grounds be. I don't know if it counts for anything, but even if my mother told the mgr that she would kick her butt, there is no way that she could do it. Thank you in advance for your answers, your help is appreciated.
Do you think that Hitler was simply "Evil" or just a man of his time and environment?
Yes, he was evil. Even mass murderers are nice to their mothers. He was a vegetarians, good with kids (white kids), and devoted to his dogs. That doesn't excuse the initiating the deaths of millions (forget about the holocaust, and just consider the needless waste of human life in his conquest of Europe and attempted conquest of Russia)? He didn't have to invade Poland to start the war.
Can we really expect to coexist with the republican, so brainwashed and misguided through Propaganda?
We'll try, but it IS pitiful the way people vote republican--against their own interests, but the social issues scare them. More fear means more republicans. The GOP = partisans, not patriots.
Should I worrry about life or learn to trust?
When things come your way in life, hardship and trials, should you worry about it and keep on thinking on it to show you care enough about it to worry, or learn to trust in what is better to come out of it. In God's greater plan that you cannot see and that is not visible to you so yet? What should you do? What would you do?
Dating is irrational so why do teenagers partake in it?
well canadian scholar your pretty boring, first of all stop treating everything like an experiment!! JUST GO WITH IT!!! have you ever heard that??? i would rather die than have a life full of education and work, its not interesting at all!! you must fit something else in there, like a social life. your only 14 almost my age! im 16 and the reason is because love is something people love to experience, i think your problem is you think too much!! your acting like a robot!!! STOP!!!! i dont blame you parents to get you "help", u just need to lay loose once in a while! try it and im pretty sure youll like it sometimes!! GOOD LUCK!
3 Month Probation on Job?
I have very recently got hired and they placed me on the 3 month probation period. At first, all was well, i had no problem. But my grandmother caught a stroke and is unresponsive... I really like my job so far, even though it has been a week. I don't want to lose my job, but I have to go out of state in order to help her, and find her someone that will take care of her. If I explain this situation to my manager, do you think he'll still let me keep my job. I just need to get her settled back at her house, then I'll be ready for work when I come back, asap. I'd probably have to take 2 weeks though because the hospital wont release her until the friday, and I want to be there so she knows shes safe. Please no rude answers, I just need facts/ or educated opinions.
Atheists I need some help with my Christian parents.?
I'm 15 years old. I've been raised to be a Baptist Christian since I was born. About 2 months ago my friends explained to me that god was fake. I told my mom I wad Atheist one day when I didn't want to waste my time at church and youth group any more. She says I was just saying this to hurt her. I told her that is not why and went on to tell her why I thought god wasn't real. She went off and told every single member of my family, the church, her college professor, her classmates, and her boss at work. All these people are Christians so most of them told her that I had some nerve talking to my mother that way. Her boss suggested that she empty my room except for a bed and Bible and leave me alone I'm there until I stop lying. Well she did that and out of anger I used a magic marker to draw Antichrist stars on myself(I regret that). She says she would rather me be shooting up heroine than not believe in God. And now shes threatening to send me to live with my grandmother. Is there anything at all I can do?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Does the media conspire to hide the Islamic Leanings of Brazilian Mass Murderer?
Wow I did not know it was an islamic extremist but it doesnt not surprise me muslims are nuts. For some reason the news thinks radical muslims are radical for reasons other than being muslim. Even though we all have brains. And anyone with a brain can tell you those people are crazy, they go out and kill 10 people because someone burned a book, well guess what hajjis the next time I see one of you burning an American flag im going down to the local mosque and im going to waste 10 random people. How civilized does that sound?
Why is it that there are cops whom although as a cop, they did their job well done, as in they arrest...?
... or place a charge at any person who does a crime (be it minor or major offence) & don't give a damn care or mercy to them if they ask for a second chance, but on the other hand, they (the cops) themselves broke the law, as in for example, they help (or should I say conspire) their close friends who are underage to buy for them cigarettes, alcoholic drinks &/or lottery tickets??
Teenage son wants to move in with girlfriend...?
Let's say you have a son, 18, who has just graduated high school and is planning on going to college this fall. He does not have a job, and has just enough financial aid to cover his tuition but not his living expenses. You, the parent, are planning to pay his rent while he is in school even though it will cause a financial hardship for you. Now let's say that while you are trying to find him a place to live, he informs you that he wants to move his girlfriend in with him as well. What do you do?
How can I repay or eliminate my student loan?
How can I lower or eliminate my student loan? My yearly salary is half what my loan amount is...and when I have to go into forbearance or a deferment, the interest piles up...I owe almost 60K and I make barely 32K as a teacher. I do not qualify for any of their economic hardship programs despite my husband being unemployed for almost 2 years. As a teacher, you would think I would qualify for some type of repayment program, but I don't. Tempted to quit teaching and find a job that will at least support my family and repay this astronomical loan. I do not want to not pay back my loan, but it is getting out of control.
Please help paranoia?
ok i have been drug free for 8 months and when i did use i tried light stuff and in last 48 hours after 8 months off i tried some heavier stuff i dont think ive ever had thoughts like these like people around me are conspiring against me all around me never had annything like this before does this "paranoia" go away when im clean? its awful and when i think about it it gets worse and worse please help
How do you get rid of those deep big pimples far under the skin?
Its too deep to pop and it hurts like a *****! And I can feel it...Hear it conspiring to kill me! Help! Jk..Nah but the pimple part is real help please?
Book about overcoming disadvantages?
I am looking for a biography/autobiography about someone in the 20th century who overcame disadvantages and hardships to be successful
What does my dream mean only serious answers please?
Freud believed that all dreams were about wish fulfillment so in this dream you have both your wish to see your grandmother again and your wish of being pregnant bring fulfilled at once. However I do believe that this could mean you are pregnant. Stranger things have happened and I have had messages through dreams before. Do a test. Good luck.
Ear Piercing Allergy- What do I do?
I am soon going to get my ears pierced. For the third time. The first time, I got my ears pierced at Claires with 14k gold posts stamped 14k on the actual post (yes I can read that small). After a few days, the holes started leaking this nasty yellow pus, and my mom put alcohol on them and nothing helped so we took the earrings out amd the holes closed over. I have been cleaning my ears twice a day during that time, and I did not touch my ears. A few years later, I got them pierced again, with gold plated studs. Same story. I really really want my ears pierced. My grandmother sent me 4 pairs of 14-18k gold earrings, and I want to wear them. I'll be fine once my holes heal. I don't know what earrings to try when getting my ears pierced though! I don't want to re-pierce again. My mom suggested that she pierce my ears herself with a sterilized needle and thread floss through like people did in her native Ukraine, but I don't know! Any suggestions?
Collection agency wins judgment can 2 agency garnish your check at same time this happen to me in NY?
a collection agency won a judgment against me to garnish my paycheck but they allow two company to garnish my check at the same time I live in New york and read that only one agency can garnish your paycheck at the time. the first one have be pay off before they take money for another, this had cause me hardship what do i do
Activity for class disscussion?
I think an interesting activity would be to do a puzzle activity with this long poem. Divide the class into groups of 3 to 4 students. Give each student index cards, with only one verse on each card. Mix up the cards very well and see if students can arrange the index cards in the proper order for the poem to make sense. I think this would be a fun activity. It might even be fun to have each group read what it thinks is the proper cards in order. After each group has read, then you should read the correct version out-loud. Only then will students realize how close they were, or perhaps some might just get them all correct. Enjoy!
Do people realize the New World Order is real?
Obama is and has been running for the leadership of the new world order. He sure hasn't helped us in the USA.---
My vaginal labia are HUGE through my period is this normal?
no dont hate yourself.., ur body is made by GOD...,well....a simple answer...*PASS THROUGH UR PUBERTY AGE* AND UR BODY WILL B BALANCED..IF IT WONT...THEN TRY 2 LIVE BY THIS WAY :/
Can I obtain a hardship license in Texas?
I will be 17 in 5 days and I'm going to be a senior in high school. I'm enrolled at the local community college's dual credit classes in which I will need transportation to and from school and the college to get there. My mother doesn't have a disability, but she works so I cannot get to where I need to without the trouble of trying to get a ride, which is always troublesome. I watch my brother and sister as she is at work and is a single, working parent. I'm also working nights afterschool to help pay for my dual credit courses which also requries me to be able to drive because my mom and I are at work at the same time so she can't be the one to get me where I need to. Will the Texas Department of Public Safety be able to accept my hardship?
Who got the biggest black eye? Wiener or MSNBC that lied for him and conspired to blame hackers?
not just msnbc. those hags on the view were trying to maslke some bs up for him too. what a bunch of horrible toads.
Even if someone is recording some illegal activities without permission, will they still get arrested?
Like on a tape recorder. I learned in school that if you record something without permission, you would go to jail. But what if the stuff that you are recording is just as illegal, then what will happen. For example: I am walking around one day and I hear these criminals conspiring and I record it and send it to the police. What if the criminals try to use it against me because I did record it without permission, but still they were doing illegal activities so I do have the right. Correct?
Is there anyone who has any doubt that Obama just does not know what he is doing?
Only the people whom think he is doing a greatr job and ais intelligent. which Obama and intelligents is an oximorom.
What's your opinion on this possible story idea? Has it been used before, should I use it, etc?
Excellent story idea. Yes, the basic idea has been used; but, I'm looking forward to meeting the Corruption Club in print. Get books on police procedure, assassination attempts and successes, FBI stories, undercover cop stories to study the background. Make a list of your characters and write about each one--who they are, how they talk, what they wear--make them real and use the list as you write your story. You wrote out a good plot. Now make an outline or list of actions that will take place. Sit in front of your computer and write, write, write. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. Then, bring it to an agent who will bring it to probable editors. One editor will ruthlessly ask you to rewrite some passages. If you want to go through all that, you deserve to be the best seller the idea might make this story! Good luck.
Horrible school and social problems. Help please?
Well on monday some (2 or 3) girls asked me to sit with them and we had slight tensions earlier in the year and it was strange so i thought they were doing it to try and set me up for something mean... So i told my so-called "best friend" that i thought they conspiring against me. But she told them that... So they came to my locker today after my math class and started scream at me and cussing me out saying if i had a problem with them i should say to their faces and stuff. She and her friend wouldnt let me talk and it was so mean and happened so fast so i started crying when they left. And i never cry at school. I probably cried becasue i had that in addition to stuff written in the bathroom saying "charlotte is stupid", "charlotte is a b*tch" or "Brian's girlfriend is stupid" (just so you know, brian's my boyfriend) and such. Then little 7th graders give me dirty looks and flirt with my boyfriend and laugh at me. I havent done anything to them. I suspected it was because i started going out with my super small middle shcool's (only 270 students) hottest guy (who isnt that good looking.) which i sorta saw comming. Anyway, i literally have no female best friend that i trust and all my friends are guys. I feel like i have no one to talk to. Girls hate me all the time and idk what i do. My friends turned on me in 5th grade and in 6th gade a different set of friends turned on me and i moved schools in 8th grade and its happening again. My mom says i may have trust issues and it may be true. Idk what i do to girls to make them hate me. People that know me say im really nice but people that dont know me don't like me and idk why... i'm so depressed now. I've got a mean looking face, but girls can't hate me for that...can they? I'm so sorry this is long... if you answer thanks for reading this! <3
Parenting is hard but how do you compare your hardships to others?
You don't. You take what you're handed and do the best you can. Comparisons breed jealousy and self-pity. Neither help in the job of parenting.
Can she really do that.!?
Okay well when I was little I got taken away from my mom because she was under the influence when she had me and then she got sent to jail. Therefor i got placed for adoption then my grandma decided to adopt me so I wouldn't be separated from my family and then now I'm 13 almost 14 I'm on probation now and my mom wants me to move with her I'n californa and I actually don't want to and she said that she is going to try to open the adoption again but I dont think she can do that but if she can and wants to take me back is it up to me on who I want to go with because I don't want to go with my mother I wanna stay with my grandmother to help her because I want to show her I'm capable of changing just for her not for my mother I could care less bout her so can she open up the adoption n if she can is it up to me weather I want to go with her or not.? Plz help
Friday, July 15, 2011
What to expect from a deca scan?
I haven't had a period in 18 months (anorexia), Ive taken a multi vitamin everyday for about a year. What are the chances I ruined my bones. I'm only 19, and used to eat well until about two years ago. I'm quite tall. My grandmother had a hip replacement of that matters.
Authors like Norman Mailer?
I'm going to spend a couple of days with my step fathers parents. My sister just spent the week there. While she is more willing to talk about anything to anyone, I'm not as outgoing. I am however more book smart, and so is my step grandmother. So if you know any smart books to discuss that would be very helpful. Authors like Norman Mailer or the like. Thanks!
How do I collect unpaid child support?
The father of my child has frequently paid less child support than he was supposed to and even disappeared for a couple years. Recently, we've come back into contact and he has been paying (almost as much as he is supposed to) each month, but he recently told me that now that my daughter is graduating high school and turning 19 in october he doesn't intend to continue paying me every month or paying what still owes me. He owes me over 44,000 plus maternity payments! I want to know what department to contact about child support collection. Also if you have any information, advice or websites that could help, please share.�I haven't taken action before now because I was trying to keep things civil for my daughters sake, but he's caused me alot of financial hardship over the years and I have to do something. Hope you can help.�
What do you think about this ending to a movie?
So I'm writing a movie script with my friend. I'm not gonna say what it's about, but there's this big war over drinking water. a lot of people die and there's a lot of hardships involved with the war and stuff. The thing is, we don't want it to be one of those "and they all lived happily ever after" movies. There has to be a twist or something. I was thinking that maybe the water that they find isn't drinkable for some reason. If you were watching this movie, would you be upset if the water wasn't drinkable and the war was all for nothing.
Can she really do that.!?
Okay well when I was little I got taken away from my mom because she was under the influence when she had me and then she got sent to jail. Therefor i got placed for adoption then my grandma decided to adopt me so I wouldn't be separated from my family and then now I'm 13 almost 14 I'm on probation now and my mom wants me to move with her I'n californa and I actually don't want to and she said that she is going to try to open the adoption again but I dont think she can do that but if she can and wants to take me back is it up to me on who I want to go with because I don't want to go with my mother I wanna stay with my grandmother to help her because I want to show her I'm capable of changing just for her not for my mother I could care less bout her so can she open up the adoption n if she can is it up to me weather I want to go with her or not.? Plz help
Comment on my other short poem :)?
I agree with message! The use of vocab gave it a sophisticated feel and generated a nice flow! I would love to read another poem with similar message with some more use of symbols perhaps? But over all I dig your poem.
Ever feel like the world is conspiring against you?
Yeah some times I do, like right now honestly. But then I know that there's always a surprise or reason that'll surprise me that'll make it all worth it, like how I ended up meeting my current girlfriend.
How can I learn more about being Cherokee?
I am 1/4 Cherokee from my mother's side, which she got from her mother. Since My grandmother died when my mom was fairly young, my mom never got the chance to learn much about being Cherokee, hence neither did I. Since this is my heritage and I feel it's important for me to learn about it, I was wondering if any other native people could point me to some good resources for learning about Cherokees. Thanks!!
Can I Claim Against My Previous Employer?
Sorry to read your story. You are not the only one in this position and you do have a case however you will have to take a civil action through small claims court which does not cost much to register but unless you have a lawyer may find what you thought was a straight forward case in your favour goes astray as it did in my case which was similar. The guy perjured himself so after some time I intend exposing him - his lies - deception and incompetency for the position he held,
What is the right choice to make?
I think you should honestly tell him how you feel about this whole messy situation then back off..because it's his problem
Did you know you have been 50 years since the People of Puerto Rico can see the President who send them to War?
Why does Puerto Rico keep declining statehood ? You're doing it to yourselves. There's no reason whatsoever for PR to be a commonwealth of the U.S. Why don't you all just vote for independence and be done with it ? There's nothing to be afraid of.
Is this birthday gift too over the top for your best friend?
First of all my best friend is married and 30 years older than me. I know that's unusual for a twenty something year old to be that close to a 50 something year old but we are best friends. She's like a second Mom to me and her husband like a second father. We do everything together. I even go on family vacations and holidays with their family. Last Christmas I spent $500 on an exercise machine for her and her husband. It was a joint present that they have enjoyed throroughly this year. Her birthday is coming up in September and I've been thinking about it. We always make a big deal out of birthdays. I know that she's a business woman, but due to some recent hardships she's financially strapped. I was thinking of getting her an ipad and having it engraved. She's always checking her emails at work because she doesn't have a home computer and she loves her ipod and reading books. I figure this would be the perfect gift to tie all of it in together. I know she would love it, but I don't want to make her husband uncomfortable purchasing an expensive gift nor do I want her to feel bad that this would be the second present that I dropped at least $500 on for her. I have the money and I don't mind doing it, but still I don't want to make her feel bad. I know she said a couple of things about how much money I spent on Christmas and how she felt bad. Should I get her the ipad or look for something else less expensive? If I do get the ipad should I get it engraved and what should it say?
Is there a way that I can get my hair back?
I was born with pretty mixed hair and when I was 4 years old my grandmother mistaken perm for grease and she greased my hair with the perm and didnt wash it out. My mother ( who was very mad) she notice my hair droppin so she carried me to get my hair cut. And from tht day on she has been perming my hair and i am now 15. Is there a way that i can get my mixed hair back? my mother permed my hair so much that it changed color( not entirely) PS: I am black
Is it a crime for my sister not to allow my daughter to call me?
I have a restraining order for myself and my child (age 10), against my husband. My sister, whom I trusted with my daughter, conspired with husband when my daughter was visting her, forced her to talk about him and tried to guilt trip her (while texting husband and showing daughter texts), even after my daughter told her to stop and then would not let her call me. My daughter felt uncomfortable and harrassed and now my sister denies my daughters story completely. Is this a crime?
Friend with Benefit - "More than just a F**k" (Sorry, it's a bit long)?
If you want a relationship then date properly. I've been in an extremely similar situation and it didn't end well. FWB never works. You'll end up hurt if you do it. You can't be "just friends" with people you have sex with.
Dual citizenship to italy?
I have read several places that a person can get dual citizenship to Italy with no generation limit. After researching i am still unsure if I'm eligible. My great great grandfather was born in Italy in 1870, he came to America in the late 1800s I'm not sure what year but he is listed on the 1910 US census, along with his wife and children, so I'm guessing it was the late 1800s when he migrated. Both of his parents, my great great great grandparents, were born in Italy also and from my knowledge they did not migrate and remained in Italy. Also, my great great grandmothers parents were born in Italy. I do not know what year my great great grandfather was naturalized or how to find that info out. So with this given information, am I eligible to apply for dual citizenship? And how or where do I go to start the process?
What are my chances of getting my visa when I go to my appointment in Ciudad Juarez?
My mom became a US citizen before I turned 21 I am now 24 we came into the country illegally when I was only 3 my dad was a US resident but had his green card taken away shortly after we came because of drugs. He was abusive toward my mom and and left when I was 5. I talked to the lawyer and she said I have a pretty good chance but of course its not guaranteed. She said the fact the my mom became a US citizen when I was under 21 will help and that my dad was abusive because it might be considered that I went through child abuse and we can say that I dont want to be in Mexico because my dad is there and it emotionally hard on me. Which is true. I don't have any kids or husband and the only one that can claim hardship would be my mom as I have no other family in the US
As the Bible tells us to honor our father and mother are we suppose to honor our grandparents in too?
I love my mom and would do anything for her. I honor my mother. Her dad,my grandfather, I really don't care for because he is selfish, lazy and all he do is talk negative about other people. He talk negative to other people about his own kids, grand kids, sister, brother and friends. He got sick and had to spend some time in a nursing home for rehab and it seem like his focus was on who was coming to visit him instead of trying to get better. I don't care for him or care to have any kind of relationship with him. Since my grandmother died my mother been the one to take care of him. My mom does so much for him, such as seeing that he has three meals a day, wash and iron his clothes and making sure he takes his medicine, but he never says "thank you". He is an 80 year old man and he can't do anything for him self just like a small child. I know that how I feel about him is wrong. If he died tonight I wouldn't care. I want to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord, but how I when I feel this way?
Why Do People Resist Conspiracy Concept? Is it that they just can not face the Fact their Government might?
People are brought up in a fairy tale of life. What I mean is they are brought up that everyone tells the truth, no one will ever hurt you, girls play with dolls and will be good mothers, politicians are here to help us, you will fall in everlasting love, and live happily ever after, Boys will go out earn a living to support their family. It is only those who have actually lived long enough and have good memories, along with studying history thru the millennium that understand that the idea "conspiracy" is only given to a statement that fairy tale people cannot understand. Or it is given by the people that want the facts swept under the rug, so they give it the official "conspiracy" label so that others will think poorly on it.
Has anyone else gotten this email?
Can you say SPAM? It's pure garbage! I get these and just hit the delete button. I understand they get email addys by 'phishing'.
Please help me? How to get tampons?
I don't know about the whole thing of how to get out of the house or anything, all I could say is that u by kotex is a great first timers brand (:
How can I find my Great grandmother, free of charge and with little information?
Just following Joyce B information...if this is correct then you can get the information as Joyce has given you from freebmd...then go onto freereg and see if there is more information on there...if there is you may find both fathers of bride and groom, freecen for the census......register for free on rootschat ( UK forum/meassage board) go onto the devon page and see what resources are available for Devon and you can ask a question like you have on here, but everyone is researching in Devon, many know records available ,have records or visit the records centre they will look up for you..look at the same time for people researching the same surname in Devon and contact them via personal message...all this is free and you can find links to all these websites and more on a href="" rel="nofollow"
My gram has cervical cancer?
she has stage 4 cervical cancer and needed 2 blood transfusions. Because she had a major uti infection but they are stopping chemo and possible the antibiotics for the UTI. they had us call hospice right away but i was just wondering if you guys knew how long my grandmother will be with us still i know thats a hard question to answer but i was just hoping i cause get some kind of answer from someone.
Can someone help me on this tattoo please?
Okay i was thinking about getting a tattoo in remembrance of my grandmother, but should i put her name or what i called her. I was kinda leaning to her name but i wanted to see what everyone thought. And if anybody has ideas about the tattoo itself let me know. Because im not sure what i want to get with her name and stuff.
Paranoid Schizophrenia?
I have a friend with schizophrenia, and it took her a long, long time to recognise she was ill. So the fact you have so much insight is a really good, positive sign. The best thing you can do is go and talk to your doctor, and they will prescribe the best course of action for you. I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but everyone is different and requires different support. But I think you are very clever (you expressed your symptoms clearly and coherently), very brave to come here and look for help and you should be very proud of yourself. I understand you are worried about telling your parents, but please show them your post if you can't say it to them verbally. I'm sure they love you and want to help you. If you are at all concerned about their reaction, then seek independent medical help. Most parents would want the opportunity to support you though. Good luck!
Is it against the law to capture squirrels?
Everyday i see squirrels out in my back garden, i am sure they're conspiring about me. I have began capturing and caging the animals, recently the others have been gone, i think they might be planning an attack, but before i take defence precautions, i need to know if it is illegal to abduct squirrels.
MTG: How conspire works with cards that have sacrifice as an additional cost?
If I use Conspire to copy "Fling", do I need to sacrifice a second creature? Fling seems to say that the sacrifice is part of the casting cost, and not the effect. Please offer a reference for your answer, thanks!
Would it be wrong for a young woman to not invite her in-laws to her baby shower?
I'm not pregnant yet, but one of my biggest fears about it is whether or not it would be wrong to exclude my in-laws from my baby shower (and possible most the baby's early childhood). I do not get along with my husband's mother, step-father, maternal grandmother, and both of his aunts on his mom's side; I have tried, but honestly they just don't like me. I was recently banned from their family functions. So knowing all of this, when I become pregnant do you think it would be wrong if I didn't invite them to my baby shower and made no effort to include them in the baby's life? And would it be wrong if my husband and I didn't actually tell them that we were having a baby and just let them find out from others after the fact?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The best english country to immigrate with 6000 USD?
Move to New York City or San Francisco. There are already many Asian immigrants there, and unoccupied space. You'll fit in. Plus the cities are beautiful;
Did this mother knowingly allow an illegal who is a known sex offender to endanger her kids will kids be taken?
Hopefully, the children will be taken from her. I can't believe how desperate some women are, to want to have a man so bad they will take him into their homes knowing he is a sex offender! Knowing he is a child molester, she should be incarcerated, too. She is a pitiful excuse for a woman and an even poorer excuse for a mother.
OUR Government, Politicians and our Taxes ?
Select whom who have less corruption report and than have the zero tolrance attitute for any corruption. Fight at every level and educate people surrounding u abov their rights. Otherwise no any law will helpful to minimise the corruption.
Sell my house with back property taxes?
My wife inherited the house we live in from her mother. It is in need of desperate repair, foundation leaks, back concrete porch settled badly extreme cracks in the patio concrete, trees need to be taken down. it just needs all around updating and is too much house for us. plus due to physical hardships after her mother died the property taxes are 3 yrs delinquent. we have a year before it is sold by the county or pay the back taxes of 6k by nex aug. plus penalties and interest. is'nt it better for us to just sell it before hand and get something out of it and downsize than struggle with paying the taxes, then trying to fix everything. I have done restoratuion work before and i see it as a money pit. but the only thing that stops me is that it is paid for. I would rather get soemthing alittle smaller for both of us than live in the house where she grew up. She hates living here and I hate the city. OPINOINS?? I know we can sell and the taxes will come out of the profits. I feel it's too much for me to do all this work on this house when there are so many issues. it was built in the 60's and also has a septic system. ADVICE??
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